Included on this page are miscellaneous resources related to Wilfred Grenfell and the Grenfell Mission in Labrador.
Grenfell Crafts in the Labrador Straits: An Historical Perspective
This is an exhibit of photographs curated by Colleen Lynch for the Labrador Straits Historical Development Corporation in 1988 as part of the First Labrador Straits Studies Conference.
You may view all the exhibit photographs in the Grenfell Photos Exhibit album.
The exhibit is on permanent display at the administrative building, Point Amour Lighthouse provincial historic site.

Books by Wilfred Grenfell
- Vikings of To-Day: or, Life and Medical Work among the Fishermen of Labrador (1896)
- The Harvest of the Sea (1905)
- Off the Rocks: Stories of the Deep-sea Fisherfolk of Labrador (1906)
- Adrift on an Ice-Pan (1909)
- What Will You Do with Jesus Christ (1910)
- What the Church Means to Me: A Frank Confession and a Friendly Estimate by an Insider (1911)
- The Adventure of Life (1912)
- Down North on the Labrador (1912)
- What Life Means to Me (1913)
- Tales of the Labrador (1916)
- A Labrador Doctor (1919)
- Yourself and Your Body (1924) written at the time when he said his two sons had just reached the age of ten million Whys? and Hows?
- What Christ Means to Me (1926)
- Labrador Looks at the Orient: Notes of Travel in the Near and the Far East (1928)
- Forty Years for Labrador (1932)
- Labrador Days (19??)
- The Romance of Labrador (1934)
- What the Bible Means to Me (19??)
Books About Grenfell and the Grenfell Mission
- Jessie Luther at the Grenfell Mission, ed. Ronald Rompkey (Montreal and Kingston, Ont., 2001).
- Labrador odyssey: the journal and photographs of Eliot Curwen on the second voyage of Wilfred Grenfell, 1893, ed. Ronald Rompkey (Montreal and Kingston, 1996).
- The Labrador memoir of Dr Harry Paddon, 1912—1938, ed. Ronald Rompkey (Montreal and Kingston, 2003).
- Grenfell of Labrador, Ronald Rompkey (Toronto, 1991).
IGA Map of Newfoundland & Labrador
Map of Newfoundland and Labrador published by the International Grenfell Association in Among the Deep Sea Fishers. This version was published July 1944 (earler versions date back to July 1916).
The map is titled, "Grenfell Stations and Other Places of Interest to the Association and Twillingate the Location of the Notre Dame Bay Memorial Hospital".
🔍 High resolution version (3.8 MB)